I'd like, first of all, to than prof. Karl Widerquist and Elizabeth Smith Rousselle for visiting and pushing us to keep going with our pilot project.
For the same reazon, I want thank the journalist Christoph Schlee and of course the senator for generously open this space to give our testimony.
28% food. 26% clothes. 14% material for school. 10% transport. 8% medicine. 6%material for construction. 2%save money.
This datas, or better, results, are not from the beautiful project in Namibia. But from Brazil, in a small village named Quatinga Velho, only 50km from this Congress.
In this village, 77 people already receive an BIG for almost 2 years.
We don't get deep in datas, because they already are in our report about the pionner project of BIG Quatinga Velho.
We want to use the short time we have to answer the question.
Some people say that 77 person is not a significant number.
What answer to give then?
I believe that the president of Brasil already answer in your letter in this congress.
People can't be treated like numbers.
Bishop Kameta says that saw a truly miracle in Namibia. Listen that touch us very deep. Because we also had the privilege to see this miracle also in our project.
Why some people see the miracle of BIG and other's don't?
The answer is simple. It is impossible to see the miracle if everything that matters is counting number of the fishes.
The miracle isn't in the fishes, but in multiplication.
Put in practice the BIG is not only to have the wish to do that, but a complete change of paradigmas.
Quality in the place of quantity. Network in the place of pyramids. Multiplication instead of just grow, or just LIBERTY instead of power.
Because even in front of the poverty or world cup, not even with bread and circus lives the man.
And more important is that one human being IS all Universe.
Bruna Augusto Pereira
Marcus Vinicius Brancaglione